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Medecon Healthcare's remanufacturing process begins with a three-tier approach: selection of the imaging system, the remanufacturing process, and installation and commissioning. Medecon Healthcare remanufactures imaging systems such as X-Ray systems, Fluoroscopy, Cath Labs, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Mobile X-rays, and C-Arms.

The remanufacturing process includes the following steps:

1. Selection and initial evaluation of the imaging system.
2. Complete tear-down, followed by functional and                    cosmetic inspection of all mechanical and electronic          systems, which are then evaluated and remanufactured to exacting standards and the manufacturer's original specifications.
3. Hardware and software upgrades.
4. Pre-staging of the imaging system for operational                  compatibility and calibration to OEM specifications.
5. Physics checks of the imaging system.
6. Installation and commissioning.

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